Mission Statement
The mission of the Chester County Planning Commission is to provide future growth and preservation plans to citizens, so that they can enjoy a Chester County that is historic, green, mobile and prosperous.
Planning Commission
The Chester County Planning Commission is a nine-member advisory board appointed by the County Commissioners. Learn more about the Planning Commission Board.
Initially the work of the Planning Commission involved inventorying and mapping the County's features and resources. Over time, the Planning Commission has evolved into a modern, professionally staffed, planning organization that uses specialized knowledge and training, along with the latest techniques and technology, to plan for the future of Chester County. The Planning Commission's activities are enabled, and in some matters mandated, by the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code. Learn more about Planning Commission services.
The Planning Commission and its staff work in partnership with federal, state, and regional agencies and municipal governments to fulfill the mission that is devoted to preserving and improving the quality of life for all Chester County residents. The Planning Commission focuses its activities on Landscapes3, Chester County's comprehensive plan, which seeks to balance preservation and growth across the county's landscapes through six goal areas: Preserve, Protect, Appreciate, Live, Prosper, and Connect. Learn more about Landscapes3.
Work Program
The primary goal of the Planning Commission is to implement the department's strategic business plan. This will be accomplished by carrying out the recommendations of Landscapes3, the county's comprehensive policy plan.
To achieve the goals of both plans, the Planning Commission will continue partnering with municipalities and other stakeholders. The department is focused on quality customer service and is organized into the following service areas: Community Planning, Multimodal Transportation Planning, Sustainability, Design and Technology, and Agricultural Development.
The work program for 2024 will focus on implementing the growth and preservation recommendations of the Landscapes map, as well as the six goal areas of Landscapes3: Preserve, Protect, Appreciate, Live, Prosper, Connect. In 2024, the Planning Commission expects to have the following major initiatives:
- Future trends and Landscapes3 report
- Mini municipal open space plans
- Sustainable practices in HOAs outreach
- Tree planting implementation
- Energy transitions in disadvantaged communities support
- Heritage interpretive network support
- Starter home initiative
- A+ homes adaptable and accessible guides
- Better bus stops project
- Municipal connector trail project
- Agricultural landscapes design guide
Ongoing Landscapes3 initiatives include advocacy for good planning with our partners, running the Vision Partnership Program, and continuing the Act 247 review process for subdivisions, land developments, ordinances, and plans.
Annual Reports
This document is the official report to the Chester County Board of Commissioners by the Planning Commission providing a summary of the activities of the Planning Commission during 2022.